Friday, February 24, 2006

the night.

Tonight I ran in the 1st annual "Torch Run" for the special olympics. We ran the torch through Charleston, well, part of it, and into the opening ceremonies, where all of the participants were in the Citadel gym and we lit the big torch to start off the games. It was about a 2 and a half mile run, and it was SO great. It is definitely so much easier to run with a bunch of people in a fun event. I felt like we only ran like a half a mile, wasn't winded or anyhing...and that felt good.

Plus, I LOVE running at night. It was dark, and we all wore glow sticks for safety (which was actually really cool), and they had police escorts blocking off the roads and we were followed by the fire department and stuff (which REALLY made me feel important - seriously. haha), but man, it was nice. It was so clear and crisp out there.

It made me feel alive. And it made me feel alive seeing those athletes in the gym....they were so excited, it was awesome. I'm volunteering tomorrow morning when the actual games start, so I'm pretty excited to see them in action and get to interact with them a little more.

OHHH yea - you know what else was incredible?? The Citadel bagpipe band came in the gym and played during the lighting and it was AWESOME. Like, one of the best things I've ever heard. They had 4 0r 5 people playing the snare drums, and probably 8-10 guys on the bag pipes.....and wow - I could have listened to them all night. I was probably 6 feet away from them, so it was so loud and powerful.....I got chill bumps.

I decided that I want to run with my husband at night a good bit one day. Granted, I don't really like running all that much, so it will be more of a "jog" - but it's just such a great release. It's a good time to chat, and just be together under the stars. Catch up on the day, relax a little bit (yea, I said "relax" and "run" in the same sentence - and by this I mean we will be going VERY slow, just kinda trottin' along enjoying ourselves). I dunno, I just love running outside at night - especially if it's a lil' chilly - it feels so great. So, I think it'd be fabulous to do with my husband one day, if that day ever comes. Random, I know. But hey, just a thought - and well - I have some pretty random thoughts that I like to share.

OH MAN, I walked in the back doors at the Citadel Gym and was seriously almost IN HEAVEN. It smelled like a basketball gym. I was grinning from ear to ear, and as soon as I walked in I turned to Rachel and Kat and just said "wow" as I took a big whif. I think I could have stayed in there forever. It just smelled like home. Every day of my life for a good 6 or 7 years I was in an old gym like that - and man it was nice to be back. It made me want to pick up a ball and just go play. It's funny how they all seem to have the same smell. The old, wooden floor, musty, "gym" smell. It was incredible. I really can't even describe it, to be honest...which sounds cheesy, I know...but really - that smell made my night a thousand times better than it already was.

Well folks, it's gonna be an early morning, so I'm going to drift off to dream.....

I hope your night has been as great as mine was (and I REALLY hope you can go smell an old gym sure did my heart good).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to settle for running with me instead of your husband :) It was quite romantic though, wasn't it? ;) was a blast!!