Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"A Day in the Life - Katie Hogue"

Well folks, it's the moment you've all been waiting for....a glimpse into a day in my life. That's right, I created a "documentary" in a manner of speaking using snapshots from my day, January 25th, 2006. I hope you enjoy....

Goooooodmorning sun! (this is a view from my back porch).

This is me pimpin' it on the way to school....heeeere we go!

Another shot on the way to my lovely passenger (also my "documentarian" for the day) Heather "H-boogey"Blackwell.

Holdin' it down at the bus know how I like to work it. haha.

My morning email check before class starts. I mean, uhh...this is me reviewing my notes before class begins since I'm such a studious person.

Professor Sword - also known as "sworddo" or "psword" doin' his thing after class....(he didn't know I was taking this....but genius me didn't turn off the flash - haha).

I was lucky enough today to be a part of the "collagen family" as Dr. Morissette called it. He was trying to make a point about the resiliancy of collagen due to the way its structured -- so called 5 of us up to demonstrate. (this is a recreation after class, because well - we couldn't whip out the camera during class). Don't we look like some STRONG covalent bonds?? You know it! From now on you can just call me "Katie Collagen" ---- orrrrr not.

Well, we were on our way out to Johns Island to a farm for a lab we had...and Wendy's was callin' our name. FYI: Frosty's with mixin's are GOOOOOOD (as you can see from Rachel's facial expression - haha). Cheers!

"harses, harses, harses..." -Sleepless in Seatle

what a GORGEOUS day at the was awesome.

Me and Mr. Horse. This is a self-taken photo...a talent I've found I possess - others can attest. haha.

We nickednamed this horse "massteter" because well - he had HUGE masseter muscles (those are the big muscles in your jaw you use to chew). He was you can see by the thumbs up gesture. haha.

Yep - I'm walkin' down Hwy 17 - a major highway in Charleston wearing goggles. It was pretty classic, so I thought I'd pull out a model pose (classic) for this documentation.

Well, we left the farm and had to come back to school for a water aerobics class for school. (I know, I go to the coolest classes EVER). We were going with an action shot here - trying to get a shot while I was in the air makin' the big jump -- buuut my documentarian (Heather) snapped it a lil' too early. It's ok - you can imagine the was fabulous.

Well, after I got home from water aerobics (around 5ish) I took a nice long HOT shower since I was still in a wet, cold bathing suit. Grabbed a lil' soup, and headed out the door to the library for Bible Study. Here are the cool gals that attended - Danielle, Jess, Corey, Shelley, me and Scoobs. Good times....

Well - I got back home, watched a lil' American Idol - created this lil' (ok REALLY big) documentary - and now I'm hittin' the sack. Goodnight to all, and to all, a good night.


Mark "Sleeve" Smyers said...

well done...well done indeed.

A.J. said...

man, it was like I was there...i mean really there and the Chech Republic? Am I really in the Chech Repubulic?