Sunday, December 03, 2006

da' Saturday night run...with some new kicks

Mark and I got some new kicks this weekend (see left). Then we went for a 4.5-ish mile run downtown last night and didn't even really get all that tired. Those "sneakers" musta been magical. Or it was just really good company and good conversation that distracted us from the fact that we ran for 45 minutes. I'm going to go with the latter. It was fantastic...and to top it all off...we got to watch some really great fireworks over the water at the end of the run as we finished. It was perfect timing...a fantastic run....and a splendid time for some really great conversation. I'm kinda diggin' this running thing these days....11 weeks til race day....and counting. Tomorrow the "official" training begins...and I've got some stylin' new shoes to begin it in.

1 comment:

Mark "Sleeve" Smyers said...

Its official...I love to run in Charleston. They shoot fireworks off for you when you finish running. Its great. I would run all the time if that was the case in Columbia.

It was some really really good conversation:-)