Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You Tube Material

So, today I'm at work and my CI is doing a scapular glide on a I'm just kinda chillin' on the stool at the end of the table watching, when I look up and look out the window at what I would say the perfect time, and see this happening across the street:

A bird is flying (this is no hummingbird, it's a rather large "gull" type bird) at a pretty rapid pace, when WHAM, he flies directly into a huge mirrored window of the hospital and bounces off into the bushes...where it then proceeded to flap around after several seconds of no movement (I'm sure he was passed out), he stands, takes a few wobbly steps, then flies a struggling 3 circles and crashes into the same exact window again because it was so dizzy and disoriented from the first mishap....and I'll tell you, it was HILLARIOUS.

If I had it on camera, I'm pretty sure it would have been viewed gillions of times on You Tube. I actually audibly said "oh no!" then started cracking up....but no one else in the whole clinic witnessed what I I had to enjoy the memory all alone.

But don't worry bird lovers - I saw some people stooped over it a few minutes later, and one guy picked it up (with his bare hands...gross, I know) - and carried it away...I'm sure he was going to go help it recover. Or we'll pretend that's what happend, anyway for the sake of a happy ending to the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know how we get when we say something ridiculous on the computer and we sit alone and laugh hysterically? you know...i've told you how you i get...yeah, you did it again. that's hilarious. thanks again katie.