Monday, April 24, 2006

I fought the law....

and WON.

haha. Today I went to court to appeal a parking ticket. That's right, you can laugh, but that was an expensive little joker, and really was quite ridiculous. Soooo, I fought it and there is now $32 staying in my pocket instead of going to the City of Charleston.

So, the ticket was for parking on "the wrong side of the street." Let me explain - I went to study out at waterfront park recently - found a spot, and pulled right on through into the spot (kinda like you would at the grocery store if there was a spot available in front of you, so you could just pull straight out instead of backing out when you had to leave). I paid the meter and went on my merry little way. I got back with 3 minutes still left on the meter and a small piece of paper flapping in the wind underneath my windshield wiper much to my surprise. I mean, I paid my meter, I was in a spot - what could I have gotten a ticket for? yep - that's right "parking on the wrong side of the street." Now I'll be honest, I know you can't pull into parallel spots the opposite way, like against the direction all the other cars are pointing, but in regular parking spots?!?

I entered the room with two men looking at me across the desk. They said "plead your case" and I told them what was up, flashed them some boobies and of course they dropped it. Minus the flash the boobies part.

They were actually pretty cool about it, explained why it was "wrong" and let me off clean as a whistle (although I've never understood that phrase). I think the fact that it was my first ticket helped my case a lil'....or a lot.

So, moral of the story - you can fight the law and win - and don't pull through into a parking spot at the end of Market Street, even if there is no barrier or sign telling you you can't.


Anonymous said...

now this maybe the tipical man in me...but the only thing i remember of what i just read was that you said you flashed your boobies.

Mark "Sleeve" Smyers said...

Easy big know I can take you. Ha.

Anonymous said...

You KNOW you flashed your boobies!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.