Wednesday, November 09, 2005


breakfast is the most fantastic meal ever invented. seriously. it's absolutely amazing at any time of the day, and i'd almost venture to say that having breakfast food at dinner time is even better than eating it in the morning.

thismorning i was enjoying a bowl of frosted flakes (they were delicious, I might add), and as I was preparing it just right, I began to wonder how everybody else eats their cereal. I know everyone has their preferences --- a lot of milk, no milk, a tiny bit of milk. They like their cereal to be wet when they eat it, or soggy, or they want the top half dry and the bottom half wet. Some like big bowls, some like big spoons, or little spoons...some drink the milk, some people think that's one of the grossest things ever.

Personally, I have to use a big spoon when I eat cereal - and I prefer to not eat it out of a bowl. I like it better when it's in a big mug for some reason -- or if it is a bowl, a deep bowl - not any of those lil' shallow soup bowls. I use a good bit of milk (skim usually - sometimes soy - sometimes 1/2%), almost filled up to the top of my cereal. After the milk is poured, I proceed to get every piece of cereal wet with milk. I don't like it soggy, it's just got to be wet, so I kinda mix it up a little bit until there is sufficient milk coverage on each flake/puff/loop/etc. Then, I indulge...and usually finish it off by drinking what's left of the the milk at the end.

There ya have it folks...Katie's cereal eating tactic.

Now the question do you prefer your cereal? Enlighten me. :-)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I prefer a high milk to cereal ratio as well. There's something defiant about slurping the milk out of the bowl - perhaps that's because when I was little, my mom used to get on me for doing that . . .

Anonymous said...

i like a BIG spoon, when i eat my frosted flakes (there grrrrreat!)i dont mess around, i focus. I want that cereal in my belly as fast as possible. i also hate the little spoon because alot of times when you are bringing the spoon up to you mouth, a flake or two will fall off the spoon back into the bowl. and alot of times it will splash some milk on you. then you have to change you shirt, not cool at all. i like to poor the milk into the bowl until i can see the milk. i also like to eat the cereal from the bottom up. that means i stick the spoon to the bottom of the bowl and scoop up those frosted flakes, i feel like once you put the milk in the cereal some of the frosted goodness gets pulled to the bottom. you might think i am crazy but try it!

Mark "Sleeve" Smyers said...

well, cereal for me is more like a big bowl of milk (skim) with a some cereal thrown in there somewhere. i like a lot of milk. i can honestly say i have never had soy milk, so i dont know what thats all about.

i definitly agree with the sheer goodness of breakfast as your dinner. i can remember as a kid, my parents cooking up pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, potato's(we were northerners, so we didnt do the grits), and some toast. good times.