Tuesday, May 29, 2007

God is good.

Tonight was wonderful. I got to hangout with Lindsay and Marie downtown at a coffee shop for awhile, then we all grabbed some dinner, and Marie and I went down to the battery afterwards and walked around. It was BEAUTIFUL out there tonight. There was an almost full moon, and it was the perfect weather out there on the water. The scenery could honestly not have been better. Nor the conversation. It was so great to get to walk around outside for an hour or more and just talk about life. Talk about what God is doing in our lives right now, where we are, how we have grown, what we are struggling with, what we need encouragement with, and what we are learning.

In my opinion, that is an integral part of the Christian life. Growing with other people, and spending quality time with people listening to their hearts and sharing your own. It is realizing your shortcomings, and being honest with one another. It is saying some things that may be hard to say. It is loving each other in spite of, and because of the crappiness that we know exists in each others lives.

It was definitely some refreshing fellowship.

Thank you, Jesus.

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