Monday, October 16, 2006


I would also like to say that Friday night at Amos Lee, a great friend named Stacy "supported" me, if you will....and a good time was had by all. Trust me.

And the company at the fair Saturday night was absolutely fantastic...even if the people Mark and I were with (stacy and grant) punked out on the best ride that was there. ;-) juuuust kidding. Oh, and my stupendous friend Grant bought me a frozen chocolate bananna on a stick because he knew I wanted one. What a guy. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not that i'm taking props away from grant or anything because he is stupendous but......i bought that stupid bananna. haha. thanks for making us important but i'm pretty sure it doesn't make it better when we have to ask. regardless of how you felt though, i enjoyed hanging with you. i'll try not to get too down that it wasn't a mutual thing. haha.

love, love, love.

p.s.-get out of your house
p.p.s-stop waiting on someone to hang out with you
p.p.p.s-school sucks, come to columbia, we'll hang.=)