Wednesday, December 28, 2005

pondering significance

Tell me if you agree or disagree with this statement:

A very large determinent of significance is time.

Time is an investment....and you invest in things that are significant in your life, right? You make time for it, you want to spend time with it, etc.

For instance: if someone or something is really significant to you, you will spend a lot of time with it or them. You will make time for it. You will want to invest time into them. (and this doesn't have to be face to face could be through the phone or emails or whatever...just putting time or exerting effort to put time into a relationship)

I'm mostly thinking about relationships here, and people, and things of that variety, rather than materialistic "stuff" that may be significant in your life, although I think it pretty much works the same way.

Let me know your thoughts on this topic if you have them. Or if you can think of something that shows someone they are significant in your life that is bigger than time - let me know that also. Thanks.

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