Wednesday, July 27, 2005

money money money money

So my friend Matt made a post about money. It got me thinking, so I commented on his post. Here is what I said:

"I couldn't agree is so trivial so often...yet there is so much emphasis put on it, it often makes me sick. Have you ever seen the MTV show "Sweet 16?" I've seen it once (and only once for a reason), and it made me ashamed to live in America with these people. Seriously. 16 year old girls having birthday parties that cost thousands...even millions of dollars. You have got to be kidding me. There are too many people suffering for their to be this much wealth in our country. We seem to be becoming more and more greedy...but I'm not sure if their is a way to open people's eyes. Do you think there is? I, like you, hope that money will never blur my vision of reality so much that I cease to see those in need. I am not saying I am the greatest philanthropist in the world, or that I even come close to my part of helping people out the way that I should...and a lot of that is due to the fact that I myself am struggling to make it through school...but I can only pray that my eyes won't become blind to the things that matter most. People."

What do you think? Do you think we, as Americans, have become so greedy that there is essentially "no turning back?" Are our mindsets so skewed that we have blinders on that keep out all the 'bad stuff' in our society? I know people always say "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer" but I don't necessarily agree. I don't necessarily think it's due to what political party occupies the White House, but the pure fact that our society has become so individualistic and so greedy. We have failed to see those suffering around us for so long, and there are people basically drowning in nothingness, that we don't even know where to begin, so we overlook them. We don't see people as people anymore, but as investments. What can they do for us? The poor aren't necessarily getting poorer, because honestly, when you have nothing how can you lose even more (materialistically speaking); and the "rich" aren't getting "richer" per se..they are just getting selfish.

so...don't get selfish.

that's my spill for now...

y'all have a good one.

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