Saturday, April 16, 2005


I don't feel so hot.
Do you ever feel like someone has a really tight grip around your brain and they won't stop squeezing? Yea, that's the feeling I have right now. Yikes.
Bri had the same headache tonight.
We went to Greenville - me and Bri and Lindsay.
I love those girls. I really do. They are absolutely wonderful, in every sense of the word.
I'm sitting in my pajamas now. With the overhead light off and a dim lamp on, with Patty Griffin playing quietly in the background. It's relaxing.
I'm about to lay in my bed and read some more of the "Ragamuffin Gospel" until I fall asleep.
I may only get through 1 page. I'm sleepy.
My eyes are getting heavy.
Goodnight to all.

"In the middle of the night
The world turns with all of it's might
A little diamond colored blue."
-Patty G.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'll tell you what, whoever introduced me to Patty G. is AMAZING. :-)