Tuesday, June 19, 2007

you're it.

Mark and I played "tag" on Sunday afternoon in my front yard at home...and let me just tell you...it was a blast.

"tag with just 2 people, Katie?" you're probably saying...and my answer is, "yes."

and no, we aren't 9 years old. haha.

it was a really good time - and I'll be honest, wore me slap out. Seriously - you just sprint. that's it. sprinting and cutting, and bending your body in crazy ways to stay away from those outstretched fingers that are just centimeters from your back. I realized that I'm no longer in elementary school and was out of breath within about 45 seconds...but I of course, kept wearin' the pants off my boyfriend with my lightening speed. I pretty much ran him into the ground and crowned myself "queen of tag." (although he may disagree...don't believe a word he says). haha.

So, next time you get the opportunity (i.e. - you and someone else are in some grass with no shoes on, and you are willing to get sweaty and stinky and out of breath)...PLAY TAG. You won't regret it. I promise.

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