Sunday, September 10, 2006

the real thing.

Tonight on the way to church I got to talk to a good buddy of mine. We haven't gotten a chance to talk in a while, and don't talk very often anymore - but it is always pleasant when we do. Tonight we only got to talk for about 10 minutes, but the awesome thing about it was that 3 minutes of those were chit-chat, and about 7 were "real-chat."

In that short amount of time I really didn't learn all that much about his day to day stuff, except that he's enjoying his kids he's teaching right now, and a few of his future plans...but I did learn a lot of his thoughts on Basically because I asked him for them.

We pretty much have a cut to the chase relationship. It's great. We're real and appreciate each other's thoughts and opinions. It's like he said - we see eye to eye so well that it's almost like we're a long lost brother and sister.

It's nice to have a relationship like that. One where you know you won't talk often because life takes you in different directions, but one that you know will always always always be honest. No masks, no nothing. In that 10 minutes we talked about some of our similar fears, and hopes, and confusions, and well...just life.

The great thing about it was that when I got to church, the sermon was about "taking off your masks" with each other. About being real. About stopping trying to make people believe that you're always happy-go-lucky...and being real with one another. Sharing your thoughts and concerns and fears with one another.

It's nice to have friends like if you don't have somebody you can be real with - really seek that out. It's amazing what the Lord can do with it. It doesn't even have to be a best friend or somebody that you talk to all the time - but I guess it comes down to letting yourself be real and take off the mask for a little while. Even if it's just for 7 minutes in the car driving, talking to an old friend you rarely speak to anymore. It's quite refreshing.

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