Sunday, March 19, 2006

uhh, I need to dry my hair...

I'm pretty sure today I heard one of the lamest excuses I've ever heard as an excuse to stop talking to me. It went something like this:

"OK well, I've gotta go." -Bri
"Why?" -me
"I dunno, I've gotta listen to music for a minute." -Bri
(lots of laughter)
"wow, I think that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard." -me
"yea, it was pretty bad wasn't it?" -Bri

haha. Gotta love it. It was a totally legit need, it just came across really really funny.

I have now been "Kelly Kapouski'd" -- yes, that's how I'm now going to term it. Remember when Zack kept trying to call her to ask her to the dance, but she couldn't go because her dad lost her job and she couldn't afford it? Everytime he called she said "I have to go, I have to dry my hair" or something of the sorts to try to end the conversation quickly.


haha, I love you Bri. :-)


Katie said...

hahaha. I am a pretty skillful rambler, aren't I? It's just one of my many talents, what can I say? Let's face it - people like skills.

You make some good points here Miss Siciliano...and I apologize for pushing your buttons....kind of. haha. But yes, you did deserve a lil' music.

I love you Brianne...conditionally, of course. ;-)

Unknown said...

i don't like either of you...kidding, i kid i kid.