Tuesday, March 07, 2006

a bad idea.

Let me just go ahead throw something out there that was poor planning on someone's part.

Whoever the genius was that decided it'd be a good idea to distribute girl scout cookies right before the spring/summer swim suit season, was in fact, a moron.

I'm pretty sure I've consumed a whole box and a half in approximately 2 days....YIKES.


Mark "Sleeve" Smyers said...

well...if it makes you feel any better, i consumed two full boxes in a weekend. and the majority of it was for breakfast. i know, i know. but i couldn't help myself. they are girl scout cookies. who can resist such temptations. i bet if Jesus was tempted with those cookies in the desert, he's woulda caved. ok...maybe not.

not to mention. i thought you were pretty great as it was, but now that i know your cookie eating skills. oh man. girl, sometimes i think its a good idea your in charleston:-) haha

Anonymous said...


A.J. said...

That's my girl!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if I can handle all this flirtation that goes on here....jk....i luv you sleeveless.

Anonymous said...

yeah, word to that...or how bout eating birthday cake for breakfast?? that's pretty not good either....