Wednesday, June 08, 2005

a little of this, a little of that.

well, I have my first 2 official tests next week. crazy. i feel like i have so much to study for them both. do you ever feel like you have a list a mile long that you will never catch up to? that's kinda how i'm feeling right now. there's just so much material to learn...but i guess that's what i'm here for right? classes are going well thusfar, and i'm still enjoying what i'm learning, so that's a good thing.

I ran on the battery last night at was really nice. it was one of the first times i've really felt like charleston is really my home now. it was neat. there was a steady breeze blowing and the water was was nice to get out and get movin'. i'm going to try and do that a lot more often.

i had my first cadaver lab tonight. for those of you who might not know what that is, it's the disection of humans. i know it sounds kind of gorry, but it's really not that definitely aides big time in learning. it was a good time - but there was definitely some information overload. we had 15 minutes per body and there were like 6 stations i think. being in there with so many exposed deceased bodies made me think a lot about a lot of different things...of which i might expound upon later, but not now.

for now i will resume my studies....while laying in the bed w/ the lights off...haha - betcha this won't last long.

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