Monday, May 16, 2005


"What's missing in LA is the sense of touch. Everyone is always behind metal and glass. WE CRASH JUST SO WE CAN FEEL SOMETHING."

In a universe in which it seems like we're all racist puppets, Paul Haggus (not sure if that's how you spell his last name) displays through a series of entertwined events, people, and car crashes, how much racisim really effects everyone, on a daily basis. In my opinion, Haggus does an excellent job of showing this perspective from all angles....which is definitely hard to do, when making a movie about a topic of this magnitude.

This movie is a must-see, and actually, I wish that it could be a requirement that everyone in America be made to watch it. Whether it would help in the problematic racial mindset that so many people are stuck in, I don't know...but maybe it would at least open some people's eyes to the extent of its prevelance.

So yea...if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do. And I hope you're lucky enough to watch it with someone as great as I got to sit by to watch it.....then, my friends, it will be a time that will not be forgotten.



Anonymous said...

Crazy that you posted about the movie Crash...I just had someone tell me today how incredibly awesome it was and that I have to go see it. They were very impressed as well. Guess i'll be seeing the movie soon :) love you! -LT

Anonymous said...

you're moving.
i need some reflection.

Katie said...

hmm...reflection. i'm not so good at that sometimes. we'll see. i'm sure you'll get a lil' here and there though if not all at once, don't you worry. and hopefully, it won't be in blog form when you get it...nor will it be brought up while we are talking about the bridge. or not talking about the bridge, for that matter. but, anonymous - there could possibly be a blogging reflection as well - so keep your eyes peeled.