Tuesday, August 23, 2005

not much of anything..."y'all"

I think I haven't written in awhile due to the fact that I can't even come close to knowing where to begin. There is so much to say, and so much to not say all at the same time. I don't think an internet blog is the place to put all your emotions, or heart necessarily -- some of that is kept for myself...and one or two others who I am able to pour my heart out to, and be honest and real with. So yea, guess that's a lot of the reason I haven't made a real post lately.

Break is over - it's back to the real world grind now. it was nice to have some time off, that's for sure. I kinda wish it didn't have to end just yet....

I wish I was really great with words like my friend Bri. But, words aren't coming to me right now, and I have nothing profound to say, so I'm gonna close. Hope y'all are doing well (and when I say "y'all" I mean anyone who ever reads this...which I'm pretty sure is no one, but I use the term anyway because I'm a southerner).


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